Account Management

In many companies, the science of account management is neither well understood nor systematically applied. And that means lost profits.

With recent worldwide legislation governments have achieved to gain access to significantly more banking information. Alexandrou Corporate Services offers a safe, legal and tax-free (in specific jurisdictions only) account structure which will guarantee to maintain your anonymity and fully legal tax exemption. By establishing a unique tax structure whereby the account is held in the name of a specially-formed offshore vehicle, which is legally exempt from all taxes, bookkeeping, auditing or reporting you can benefit by receiving all of your company's profits in order to expand your business or spend as you wish.

Having an offshore company as official account holder is a crucial and important point. Opening a foreign account under a private name would not cease your obligation to list it in your tax declaration. You can of course pretend you forgot to declare it and hope nobody will find out; but this is clearly tax evasion and some risk of exposure will always remain. The offshore company in some jurisdictions by its nature does not have to pay any taxes at the country of incorporation and therefore, having the company filed as account holder you can honestly state that you are not owning any overseas accounts whilst the actual control over the account is solely with you.

Additionally, to structuring and opening your company's accounts and providing you with a credit and debit card from the bank of your choice, we will be able to assist you with managing your accounts by offering you our in house accounting services as and when are needed.

Our accountants will be able to manage your account on a day to day basis by following your instruction and communicating with you on a daily basis. They will be able to issue invoices and receive payments, issue cheques on your behalf, make necessary payments on time, check and reconcile your monthly statements and make the necessary adjustments and transfers between your accounts to make sure you have enough available money when and where you need them.

In several jurisdictions accounts should be kept, filed and audited on a yearly basis.  Our accountants will make sure that your company records are kept up to date and your accounts are completed, audited and filed correct and on time.  In most cases depending on your company's jurisdiction and the country of residency, as a non resident shareholder, you will be able to withdraw your dividends without having to pay any additional tax.

Except from receiving a professional and efficient service by using our account management services, you will be saving on a full time salary for a specialist and qualified accountant, as well as, reducing the need for extra office space to accommodate your accounts manager in your existing offices.